The headline was "Donald Trump dominates in Republican poll." 


He is currently at 20 percent, which means 80 percent of all Republican primary voters are rejecting him at the point in time when most experts consider him to be the apex of his vanity campaign. 

Add to those 80 percent of thinking Republicans the additional independent and Democrat voters who are currently holding their collective noses at the blustery bloviating bully's campaign antics, and Trump appears less than dominating. 

Without working hard, the following are just some of the things he's said and done that eventually will help return Trump to the obscurity he so richly deserves. 

Example one: Trump publicly has opined that "there'll never be another black president" because "(President Barack) Obama has done such a bad job, he's spoiled it forever for every person of color born and unborn." 

Carrying out that illogical thought to its extreme conclusion, one would have to assume that the failed presidential journeys of such white male bumblers as John Tyler, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover ought to have precluded the later election of modern white male bumblers and bumbling white male candidates such as Trump.

Example two: If you think the next chief executive of the most powerful nation in the world ought to be someone who enthusiastically supports those who hunt unarmed, endangered exotic animals, then let me introduce you to presidential wannabe Donald Trump, who proudly posted pictures of his two sons next to a dead leopard, a dead water buffalo and a dead alligator, which they together slaughtered during a 2012 African safari. 

Most interesting, of course, is that while both sons take great pride in executing unarmed animal prey, like their dad, who avoided being shot at himself during the Vietnam War by ducking the draft, these Trump progeny have avoided being shot at by ISIS by choosing not to enlist in the current volunteer army. 

Of course, I'm assuming the animals were unarmed. 

They usually are. 

Example three: Donald Trump thinks Sarah Palin would be a swell addition to his cabinet because "everyone loves Palin." 

Gee, I thought the name of the show was Everybody Loves Raymond. 

Note to Mr. Trump: Everyone does not, in fact, love Palin. 

Many, many, many thinking American do not love Palin! 

Example four: While virtually all 16 of his Republican competitors have something bad to say about Trump -- including Ben Carson, "this is about something meaningful, not one man;" U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, "I hope Trump continues to criticize Gov. (Scott) Walker's record in Wisconsin as a flip-flopper on Common Core;" Jeb Bush, "Trump could not be more wrong on his attacks against Mexican immigrants;" and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, "I'm determined to plant doubts about Trump's knowledge of issues like national security, entitlements and health care." -- it is Texas Gov. Rick Perry who had the most biting comment on the Trump candidacy: "Mr. Trump is a cancer on conservatism." 

Example five: Despite evidence so conclusive that even the right-wing talking heads on Fox News have stopped spreading the falsehood that Obama was not born in America, Trump continues to align himself with the fringe "birther" crazies. 

Example six: While all the Republican candidates refuse to acknowledge the responsibility of humans in the environmental excesses impacting our air and water quality, only Trump sees a conspiracy: "the concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing noncompetitive." 

If all this seems overwhelming, I urge you to remember what President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, once said about the bloviating and bullying businessmen of his day who are now remembered in history as "robber barons." 

"Men of great wealth," Roosevelt opined, "often don't know much beyond the source of their wealth." 

He continued, "You'd expect a man of millions, the head of a great industry, to be a man worth hearing, but as a rule they don't know anything outside their own business." 

Trump it appears may not even know that much. 


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Published Date: 
Monday, August 10, 2015